Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oracle ORA-7445 [kkzufst] errors in alertlog.

ORA-7445 [kkzufst] errors in alertlog are result from bugs in materialized views refresh jobs.

If you got these bugs you'll see these kind of errors in your database alertlog
(there is always ORA-07445 and kkzufst in error but other clauses can vary.):
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x1000] [PC:0x44BBFCE, kkzufst()+111] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
Errors in file...
ORA-07445 : exception encountered: core dump [kkzufst()+111] ...
Incident details in:...

In incident log you'll see something like this (here you can also see problematic SQL or PL/SQL clause in "Current SQL Statement ..." section)
(there is always ORA-07445 and kkzufst in error but other clauses can vary.):
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x1000] [PC:0x44BBFCE, kkzufst()+111] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x3, level=3, mask=0x0)
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=...


Bugs are more accurately 9554075 and 9656434
These both bugs are fixed in Oracle version SPS (Server Patch Set).
And in Oracle version 12 fixes are in following versions: 9554075 -> version Oracle (Base Release). 9656434 -> version Oracle 12.2 (Future release. (Not yet released))

More info about these bugs can be find from MOS (My Oracle Support) document:  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oracle 12c enhancements for SCAN

There are new features for SCAN in Oracle 12c:

1. SCAN and Oracle Clusterware managed VIPs now support IPv6 based IP addresses.
So now we can use also IPv6 addresses with SCAN. If you check SCAN configs with:
srvctl config scan
it will list you more info: SCAN name, IPv4 address, IPv6 address, SCAN number+VIP

2. SCAN is by default restricted to only accept service registration from nodes in the cluster.
If you want to add nodes (for example for the database that are not using cluster's private interconnect) then you can do it with command:
srvctl modify scan_listener -invitednodes <new_database_name> –update
You can also run this modify before you present real node in the cluster.
If you check SCAN-listener configs with:
srvctl config scan_listener
it will list you more info: SCAN-listener name+port, Registration invited nodes, Registration invited subnets

3. SCAN supports multiple subnets in the cluster (one SCAN per subnet).
Before you can do this you must enable multiple subnets for the cluster (This is a post-installation task an cannot be made in Grid Infra installation). 

NOTE! Here you can find more info about SCAN and Oracle 12c enhancements :

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oracle 12c New Features for table Defaults

With Oracle 12c there is improvements in tables default values.

Starting on Oracle 12c you can use sequence nextval straight in column default or you can use "generated as identity" for column default (this will generate new sequence for table and start use it for column default values) This new sequence is linked with table so if you remove the table also the sequence is removed. You can also use "generated by default as identity" when you create new table sequence. This will allow you to override sequence value in inserts. If you use default word as column value or leave column and it's value out of the insert the sequence is used but you can also give new value for this column when "by default" is used.

With Oracle 12c you can also give default values for null columns. So if you are inserting null value into column that have for example this default settings: "default ON NULL 11" then 11 value will be inserted into table instead of null.


Create table clause with using existing sequence:
SQL> CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE ( id int seq_test_id.nextval primary key, name varchar2(32) );

Create table clause with generating new identity sequence:
SQL> CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE ( id int generated as identity primary key, name varchar2(32) );

Create table clause with generating new identity sequence with sequence init values:
SQL> CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE( id int generated as identity (start with 10000) primary key, name varchar2(32) );

Override sequence value when table squence is created with "generated by default as identity":
SQL> INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (id, name) VALUES ( 10, 'test_name');

Using sequence value when table squence is created with "generated by default as identity":
SQL> INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (id, name) VALUES ( default, 'test_name');
SQL> INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (name) VALUES ( 'test_name');

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oracle ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate xxxx bytes (kxs-heap-w,KGL Iterator information)

If you get the ORA-04030: ... (kxs-heap-w,KGL Iterator information) error in alert log
and if you see obsoleted parent cursors lying around.
Then you are hitting Bug 12791981 - ORA-4030 due to "KGL Iterator information" . 
Look more from MOS (My Oracle Support) document 12791981.8 .

If you are trying to check those obsolete cursors you are probably hitting the same error ORA-04030 and then you know that there are also those obsoleted cursors in the database.

With this SQL you can check those obsoleted cursors:
select sql_id, address, IS_OBSOLETE, count(*) from v$sql where IS_OBSOLETE='Y' group by sql_id, address, IS_OBSOLETE having count(*)>=10;

Or just:
select count(*) from v$sql where IS_OBSOLETE='Y'; 

You can fix this bug with patch 12791981 .

NOTE! This bug can also be fixed with patch 14799269 (this is more complete fix according to MOS) but it is only available for version and newer ones.